New BR03 strap - help needed

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New BR03 strap - help needed

Messagepar stonehead887 » 12 Juil 2018 19:09

Sorry it's in English. I have just got a new rubber strap from the Bell and Ross website but hole for the tube is so tight, the bar is now stuck!
One end was no problem but the other won't fit. I tried the tube just in the strap to see if it will flex but now it won't come out.
Question, has this happened to any of you guys? I will also contact B&R to see if I can exchange it.
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Re: New BR03 strap - help needed

Messagepar Rionuj » 12 Juil 2018 19:52

Hi, I never had this problem. Shorty for toi
Capitaine Caverne
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Re: New BR03 strap - help needed

Messagepar stonehead887 » 12 Juil 2018 19:53

Thanks. I assume it's a manufacturing defect. I am glad it did not get stuck in the watch!

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Re: New BR03 strap - help needed

Messagepar LooPiNG » 12 Juil 2018 21:58

It seems the strap is defectuous, as it is brand new, you should contact the brand.
You can also try to use silicon grease to help remove the bar, then re-insert the bar with silicon grease.
This problem sometimes occurs with BRS rubber but never had this issue with BR01-03 rubber.

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Re: New BR03 strap - help needed

Messagepar stonehead887 » 26 Juil 2018 08:58

Quick update. I returned my strap and Bell and Ross confirmed that the rubber straps were part of a faulty batch. I asked if they could exchange for the yellow but was told that they no longer stock the yellow and will not be ordering from supplier.
So I am waiting for the orange to be replaced only to be told that is also out of stock and may come in by September. This strap was originally ordered begin June so I am a little disappointed with BR at this stage

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Inscrit le : 18 Mai 2018 20:22

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